Becoming Cyber-Savvy with Nmap on the Cybersecurity Journey

Nisha P
3 min readNov 12, 2023


The world of cybersecurity is an ever-evolving battlefield. With cybercriminals becoming more sophisticated, the need for robust defense tools is greater than ever. On the sixth day of my #100DaysOfCybersecurity challenge, I embarked on an enlightening adventure with Nmap, the network mapper that acts as the compass for cybersecurity navigation.

Day 6 of #100DaysofCyberSecurity Challenge — Nmap

Nmap is not just a tool; it’s a guardian of network security. Its primary role in cybersecurity is to scan for open ports and system vulnerabilities — essentially the cracks through which digital thieves aim to slip. As I peeled back the layers of Nmap’s functionality, I discovered its capabilities for network discovery, port scanning, vulnerability assessment, and more. With its scriptable engine and high performance, Nmap stands out as a fast and reliable ally in the cybersecurity toolkit.

Nmap scan of /30 network

The danger of open ports can’t be overstated. These ‘digital doors’ are necessary for the flow of information, but when left unguarded, they invite trouble. Regular scans are imperative to ensure these ports don’t become a cybercriminal’s gateway into our systems. My hands-on experience also led me to explore TCP and stealth scans, exposing the secretive tactics attackers employ to evade security measures.

To deepen my understanding, I accessed various resources that amplified my knowledge and skills in using Nmap:

The discoveries made possible by sending uninvited TCP requests to network devices can be quite astonishing. Nmap’s extensive command-line options add to its versatility, making it a powerhouse in the cybersecurity tools domain.

Nmap | Wireshark

My learning experience with Nmap has been enriching, and I’ve taken extra time to explore the above resources to gain a more profound grasp of this valuable tool. Sharing this path of learning with the community fuels my enthusiasm, and I look forward to uncovering more layers of cybersecurity defense.

Stay connected as I navigate through the complex waters of cyber defense and share my insights and progress. Here’s to the pursuit of knowledge and the empowerment of #WomeninTech!

#NotesbyNisha #cybertechdave100daysofcyberchallenge #Cyversity #WiCyS #WomenInCybersecurity #BlackWomeninTech #CybersecurityAwareness #NmapScanner #NetworkSecurity

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